North West Green Party contacts

If you know the name or role of the person you wish to contact and their contact details are shown, please use the details that appear below. For all other contacts, please use, stating the nature of your enquiry. Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate person.

Field Organisers

Pål Woodruff email
Clare Hales email


North-West Committee Officers

Interim Chair:
Jane Turner - email


Stephen Sharp - email


David Jones - email


Internal Communications:
Paolo Granelli - email



Equality & Inclusion:
Asma Alam - email


Officer Without Portfolio:

Jane Walsh - email


Officer w/o portfolio:
Melanie Forrest - email

TBD - email

Elections Officer:
TBD - email

Local Party Support:

TBD - email


Other North-West Post Holders

Wellbeing Champion:
Bernard Ekbery

National Complaints & Disciplinary Body Representatives:
Scott Robinson & Frank Earp

   Details of the Green Party's:

Young Greens Co-ordinator:
Link - email

Website Manager: 
Martin Skelton - email


Local Councillors

For a list of (Primary Authority) councillors in the North-West, please click here


Local Party Contacts

For a list of contact people for each of the 29 Local Green Parties in the North-West, please click here


North-West representatives on the Green Party's Regional Council

Lyndsay McAteer: email    
Melanie Earp: email 

Melanie Earp

North West Green Party

The Green Party is the only major political party in the UK that commits to a life based on democracy and justice within the planet's limits.

The Green Party has always dared to be different,  and we’ve always known the power of good ideas. We understand that inequality is not just unfair, but damaging to everyone in society. 

We understand that not everyone wants to live to work. The Green Party has the bold solutions to deal with the problems we face today: recovering from the impact of coronavirus, while tackling the climate and biodiversity crises and creating compassionate communities where everyone can thrive.

Join now

Green Party Programme for Local Government

The Government’s ideological commitment to austerity has seen £50 billion cut from council services since 2010. These cuts - forced through from Westminster - have closed libraries, forced councils to sell public land and laid off the council staff that collect litter, repair roads and care for older people. The cross party Local Government Association estimates that councils face a further shortfall of £8 billion by 2025 with the most basic of services being eroded, decimating our communities.

A vote for the Green Party in May is a vote against such outdated, disastrously imposed establishment thinking. It is a vote for a new, fresh approach.

The Green Party is committed to campaigning to restore the £50 billion of public money taken from councils – having Greens elected to councils will send a strong message to Westminster that people have had enough of losing cherished local services.

At a local level, having Greens on your council means having champions for investment in local services, fighting to improve public spaces, increase access to social housing and to provide more walking, cycling and public transport opportunities.

It means having councillors looking beyond the tired stock answers and convention-sapped ambitions of the establishment parties. Green councillors embrace the new and relish the bold; harnessing resident’s skills and trusting local knowledge to solve local challenges, from declining high streets to under resourced public transport.

Unlike councillors from the establishment parties, Greens are not subject to a Party whip that orders them to vote according to the needs of the party machines and their colleagues in Westminster. This means they are free to put the residents they represent front and centre, and to fight without fear of favour for their interests - and the radical solutions that will make their lives better.

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