NWGP newsletter 12/08/2024

GENERAL ELECTION Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure that you’re aware that we’ve had a change of government recently. Sadly it wasn’t a green government, but there is good news in the fact that we had four Green MP’s elected and record gains in voter share across the country. But what does this mean for the northwest? Here’s a rundown of the numbers in terms of voter share across the north west: 

GREENS AGAINST FACISM   Given the recent harrowing events perpetrated by far right racists, it’s pertinent to reaffirm that we as a party stand united against Fascism, Islamophobia and all forms of racism. If anyone in your local community was affected, please reach out and do what you can. It is important, now more than ever that we vocally and publicly, stand up to the far right.  
REGIONAL MEETING IN ULVERSTON  We had a great time with Ulverston green party this August, who kindly hosted us for our regional meeting amidst the lovely scenery of the Swarthmoor Quaker meeting house. Much was discussed and we greatly value the input we received, we’ve got a lot of work to do now that elections are over for a while and we’re grateful for the support of the north west Green community.
excited to be here!!!
Gorgeous sky, gorgeous solar panels, what more could you ask for?
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